How to Reduce Inflammation in Skin Naturally - Best Anti-Inflammatory Tips

Inflammation can either save you or break you, it can go both ways. In the former, inflammation helps the human body to fight against any infection or injury. Contrarily, repeated inflammation can even take you towards obesity and related health conditions. Conditions can even aggravate by certain eating habits, stressful conditions, and a sedentary lifestyle. However, small changes in eating habits and lifestyle can sometimes make a huge impact to help reduce inflammation in the body and skin.
What Is Inflammation?
Inflammation is one of the body’s defense mechanisms. It is a way to fight against any infection, disease, or injury. During this process, your body’s guard cells will increase exponentially such as white blood cells, platelets, and cytokines.
Inflammation can be acute or chronic depending on the situation. Acute inflammation also called short-term inflammation can be expressed as pain, redness, heat, or swelling in that particular body part. If it is a chronic or long-term inflammation it shows way more visible symptoms like weight gain. Chronic inflammation can even take you to serious conditions like cardiovascular, liver diseases, and even cancer.
How Skin Inflammation links to Body Inflammation?
Irritated or injured skin is more likely to develop inflammation than healthy skin. A lot of things can lead to inflammation including excessive sun exposure, harsh scrubbing, or using strong skin products. The inflammation visible on your skin is deeply connected to chronic inflammation. And ignoring the small signs can lead to worse health conditions.
According to the latest studies, cytokines have been found to play a major role in the inflammation scenario. Cytokines are small proteins, which are released and flow in the whole body through the interstitial fluid. Also referred to as the “Eleventh Organ” of the body—interstitial fluid is responsible for transporting nutrients to and removing waste from every cell of your body. But one important thing is that excessive production of cytokines can also contribute to developing chronic diseases.
Simple Skin Care and lifestyle Solutions to Reduce Inflammation
By making small lifestyle changes you can keep yourself away and even reverse inflammation. If you already have a family history of heart or liver diseases, then consulting your doctor will be your first step towards a healthier life.
Another important thing to remember is that your skincare routine must be completed focused on skin health without getting distracted by big brands and the latest trends. By simply protecting and maintaining your skin’s natural barrier with moisturizing face oil or cream, you can reduce the risks of inflammation and consequent diseases. You should always go for nature-derived products that will support the skin’s own dynamic, to repair and rejuvenate your skin in the best possible way.
In addition to adding high quality organic face oil, follow these strategies for reducing inflammation in your body and your skin.
Apply sunscreen
The first step towards strong and healthy skin is applying an SPF with 30 or higher to all exposed body parts throughout the day. We’ve often get questions about if you should apply sunscreen indoor, check our previous article to answer your question.
Load up whole food and nutrients that reduce inflammation
Along with the things you put on your skin, the things that go inside your body are also very important as well. Your food choices are going to make or break your health. Choosing fresh fruits and vegetables over red meat, butter, or fast foods is the key to an anti-inflammatory lifestyle. Always go for the omega-3 enriched foods like salmon, tuna, soybeans, and walnuts.
Blueberries, grapes, ginger, garlic, and celery are some good anti-inflammatory foods. Always remember to choose vegetables and fruits over red meat, and reduce your sugar consumption as much as you can. We’ve also included a roundup - 6 of our favorite healthy lifestyle Influencers.
Do more exercise
Leading a sedentary lifestyle is taking your body towards increased risk of inflammations. For that exercise as much as you can. You should surely take out special time for aerobic exercise and resistant training depending on your body weight and type.
Manage stress
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