What Is Skin Fasting Exactly? Should You Be Doing It? What Is Skin Fasting Exactly? Should You Be Doing It?

What Is Skin Fasting Exactly? Should You Be Doing It?

What Is Skin Fasting Exactly? Should You Be Doing It? What Is Skin Fasting Exactly? Should You Be Doing It?

Should You Try a Minimalist Skin Care Routine?

When looking at some person’s 20-step daily procedure can make us wonder whether or not we’re doing our skincare routines right. Do we really have to do so much and use so many skincare products? 

Well, Skin fasting, also known as minimalist skincare is a fast-growing trend replacing the long skincare procedure with the answers. You can consider it as a detox cleansing for your skin. 

Let’s find out more.


What really is skin fasting / minimalist skincare?

Skin fasting is about taking a break from your skincare routine and products, just like a food fast, and focusing on allowing your skin to rest, relax, and reset. Minimalist skincare hinges on the idea that you set your skin free to function in its natural manner, without enlisting skincare products. Skin fasting could be a total or partial elimination of skincare products, so you can stop using one product at a time and observe your skin, or take out all the products. Whatever the method, skin fasting can help you to discover which products are responsible for irritating your skin or causing breakouts and other issues.


How Do We Do For Our Skin Fast?

Dermatologists recommend sticking to a three-step skincare routine morning and night, instead of using lots of products. Your morning routine should entail protective products containing SPF and antioxidants, while the evening routine should be restorative, which means ingredients like vitamins and retinol.


Here Are Some General Rules For Your Skin Fast


  •     Wash your skin with a gentle cleanser

This first step prepares your skin for the other products you’ll use in the morning. A gentle cleanser, such as an oil or micellar water cleanser is great for this step because it retains the natural oil on your face. 

You can skip the cleansing process if you have dry skin and rinse your face with clean water because the cleansing can further dry out your skin.

  •       Apply an antioxidant serum

Daily activities expose our skin to UV rays, environmental pollutants, and damage by free radicals. To prevent their impact on our skin, an antioxidant serum application is the next step. Vitamin C and other ingredients in the serum destroy the free radicals and prevent them from stressing our skin or causing aging.

  •       Slather on SPF

When you walk out of the house in the morning, it should never be without an SPF. Sunscreen creams protect the skin from the damaging effects of the sun and add hydration to the skin.  Make sure that your serum has up to 30 SPF and apply it generously on your neck and behind your hands as well.



  •       Double cleanse your skin

At nighttime, it is best to do double cleansing to help rid your skin of oil, debris, and dirt. You can use your regular cleaner on your face twice or use both a regular and an oil cleanser. The goal is to wipe off everything that shouldn’t be on your face, so you don’t need any expensive or fancy products.

Retinol has a golden reputation in the world of skincare because it can solve many skin issues at once. It helps to replace dead skin cells with healthy ones and also treats wrinkles and fine lines. That’s not all; it is also a great acne treatment, earning it a permanent spot on the skincare routine of people above 30 years.

The third step for the night is the application of face oil to nourish and rebuild the lipid barrier of your skin. Organic oils like argan and rosehip oil are great for massaging your face because it helps with moisture retention and strengthens your skin’s barrier. Check out La Coéss REVITALISÉ Certified Organic Face Oil that sophisticated blends of 15 organic nutrient-dense, powerful botanicals into a silky-smooth texture deeply nourishes and revitalizes the skin for a youthful looking complexion.

RELATED: Vitamin A, Retinol and Beta-Carotene, Your Questions about Vitamin A family are Finally Answered


Who Should try Skin Fasting? 

People with sensitive skin could gain from engaging in skin fasting because they’ll have the opportunity to keep their skin away from ingredients that can cause inflammation.

If you face issues or reactions with your current skincare routine, minimalist skincare involving the removal of one product at a time can help you discover which product is irritating your skin.


Who Shouldn’t try Skin Fasting?

People who struggle with skin issues like extreme acne, eczema, melasma, rosacea, and the like often depend on topical products to improve their skin conditions, and cannot handle skin fasting. 

If you still want to try some minimalist skincare routine, see your dermatologist for advice about which skincare product you can stop, and which ones you should continue using. If you already have a skincare regimen that works for you, there might be no need to try skin fasting because you don’t have problems you’re trying to solve.

Skincare experts advise that you practice skin fasting once a week, whether or not you subscribe to the minimalistic methods of skincare. So, every woman needs to be equipped with the knowledge of skin fasting.

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REVITALISÉ Nutrient Organic Face Oil

La Coéss® REVITALISÉ is a 100% pure and nourishing nutrients replenishing organic face oil. Sophisticated blends of 15 organic nutrient-dense, powerful botanicals into a silky-smooth texture delivers the exceptional power to revitalize, restore, protect and balance skin. 


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